Dungeonesque 1.5 released

I like the number 5 and was really hoping to have something cool like controller support in version 1.5

BUT NO! I heard about a glitch and had to fix it, then I added some quality of life elements, so whatever, I guess. Grr. Not the trumpets and celebrations I wanted, but it's good.

  • Probably fixed enemies getting stuck in walls for the last time. I hope.
  • Added more controls tips to the start.
  • Added a neat effect to the boss under certain circumstances I won't spoil.
  • Add a heart+ effect to a life-stealing enemy.

I hope you'll leave a comment if you enjoy this and tell a friend to play!

I mean, just to play anything really. Playing this game would be nice too, but your friends need to go outside more often.


Dungeonesque1.5.zip 6.2 MB
33 days ago

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